Wednesday, May 23, 2012

[Drama CD] Amemakura Vol.6

Amemakura 雨枕
~Drama CD~

Alternate Title: Rain Pillow
Release Date: May 2, 2012

Volume 6:
(CV: Suzuki Tatsuhisa)
【CV: 鈴木達央

☆· Download ·☆

I only uploaded Vol.6 here because I'm too lazy I'm not sure how many people would require previous volumes. I have all of them, so if you need any of the previous volumes, just comment here or send me a message; I will link you to the download. ^_^


  1. Thank you very much for uploading this! I've become a big fan of a dummy mic recordings a while ago and have been searching for more stuff to fuel my passion! Thank you very much for feeding my starving inner self.
    If you find some free time, I would be really grateful if you could upload some more, please?
    Thank you once again for sharing your stuff!

  2. Dummm...mmmyyyy....mmm...mic... *nosebleed*
    And yes, may I have the previous volumes?

  3. Dummy mics are an awesome invention - go Japan <3

    May I get the other volums too?

    1. Oh and is it just me, or is track number two not unpackable? X.x

    2. not just you, me too... ToT

  4. Can you tell me the password?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. helloo~ i'm kinda late but this is great! i have a little problem here, i've tried to extract the 2nd track using the password you gave me, but it seems like it didn't work ? thankyou~~

  7. Hi otsukaresama! thank you for uploading and sharing this, I've been searching for DL link of this cd drama, and finally found it on your blog, can you give me the password? :)

  8. Replies
    1. And now the link is outright broken....any chance of a new reupload?

  9. I tried to download it but it says the file is not valid,is it still available?
